CBSE Makes Art-Integrated Projects Compulsory For Academic Session Starting From 2020–21

3 min readMay 18, 2020


On 14 thof May 2020, CBSE circulated a notice stating to make Art-Integrated Learning (AIL) mandatory for classes 1–10 from the upcoming academic session. It clarified that this is not particularly to boost art but to integrate art as a tool in both teaching and learning.

While students from classes 1 to 8 will need to create at least one art-integrated project, not limited to any one subject, in each academic year, students of classes 9 and 10 will need to take up an art-integrated project for every subject. However, art projects will be considered for internal assessment for both.

CBSE in the circular stated, “AIL will help in imbibing the Indian ethos through integration of Indian art and culture in the teaching and learning process at every level. This art-integrated approach will strengthen the linkages between education and culture.” The notification added, “All this is done to make students 21st century- ready citizens, by empowering them with the competencies to understand, analyse, evaluate, interpret and innovate various real life situations that they require to face in the world outside the classrooms or an environment beyond their schools and homes.”.

CBSE board has prepared a portal for schools to report the implementation of Art-Education (AE) and AIL. It has also suggested a few activities in an annexure that can be integrated in different subjects to aid learning. It has cleared that one art-form can be used for many subjects rather than restricting for one. For example, what helps Agriculture, can also help in learning Mathematics and Science subjects.

Here are a few guidelines set by CBSE for AIL:

1. The projects need to be trans-disciplinary for classes 1 to 8 and class 9 and 10 students indulge in subject enrichment activity.

2. Students need to integrate diverse Indian art and culture into at least one of its projects. This comes in effect as the board wants the students to be aware of the diverse art forms in India. Teachers will need to facilitate the usage of these forms in projects.

3. For students of classes 1 to 10, it is mandatory to integrate the art form of the Indian state and territory in at least one project. For example, Delhi CBSE students will need to integrate the art form of Sikkim. You can find details on pairings on CBSE’s official website.

4. Subject and art teachers need to plan and discuss the projects in advance at the beginning of the academic session so that students can be given proper guidance to undertake various projects.

5. Teachers and students need to explore as much to come up with new topics. They need to research topics that have not been explored to give students hands-on experience.

6. All the art-integrated projects need to be taken up and executed in an eco-friendly manner. They are advised to use available local resources, so that there is less wastage and there is no financial burden on parents or guardians.

7. The projects should be done by CBSE students in groups of 4–5 students.

8. It is advised to keep the projects simple and should be relevant and age-appropriate.

9. Teachers and students together can decide the criteria for assessment while planning the projects. Students must be informed about the criteria decided for assessment along with maximum marks before commencement of work on the art integrated project.

10. The AIL shall also be an integral part of assessing the CBSE student’s participation in art-related activities and attainment of learning outcomes for the subject/s. The marks awarded for these projects, as part of subject-enrichment activities of class 10, will be collected by CBSE at the time of uploading marks of internal assessment.

What do you think of this step by CBSE? Share your thoughts with us.

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