This Family is Using Quarantine Period to Make Kids Fitness Videos
Being restricted to the boundaries of our homes has made life boring for sure. However, this worldwide lockdown has forced some people to adapt to new patterns of life as they look for activities that can keep them safe and at the same time, keep the boredom at bay.
One such family is from Kennewick, Washington, that decided to make a YouTube channel in order to teach fitness to its kids and keep them active while they are locked inside the house. The name of the channel is TAZ Kids Fitness, where T stands for Tom Bingeman — the father and A stands for Ax and Z stands for Zave — the two sons.
The channel provides exercises for kids based on themes like superheroes, animals, sports and country. They release one video every week and trust us, all of them are super fun to watch.
Talking about how the family came up with the idea, they shared that the thought first appeared during the winter of 2018 when it snowed heavily in the town and no one could move out of their houses. In a hope to entertain his kids, Tom happened to type ‘kids workouts’ on YouTube but sadly, couldn’t find anything useful and decided to make some of his own. However, that idea soon died only to revive again when the Coronavirus panic required everyone to quarantine and stay home.
Since then the Bingeman boys are religiously making cool workout videos that not only entertain them but also reach out to many other kids in the community who follow the playful training routine, giving a little break to their parents as well.
Apart from conducting these kid-friendly workouts, Tom now has plans to make videos featuring games and other kids’ activities.
We think the story of TAZ Kids Fitness gives an exciting view of the lockdown and how families can do creative things together to keep the spirits high.
Check out their YouTube channel here
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